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Reference Guide: Apache Flink

Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. This page can be used as a reference for navigating to interesting pages of the Apache Flink official documentation, including trying, learning, and getting help with Flink.

Try Flink

The Flink documentation has several interesting tutorials to familiarize you with the power of Flink and its applications. Check out if any of the below interests you!

Learn Flink

Flink is a daunting technology at first glance, but the Flink documentation provides hands-on pieces of training with helpful exercises and step-by-step instructions to skill up quickly.

Deploy Flink

Before taking any Flink jobs from development into production, check out the Flink Production Readiness guide. For all deployment target options, read more about Clusters and Deployments.

Get Help

If you need help with OS Flink, leverage one of the most active and knowledgeable communities. Check out the community resources for helpful pages to read or contacts to message.