This article introduces you to usage examples, configuration options, and type mappings of the Avro format.
Background Information
The Avro format allows reading and writing of Avro data based on Avro structures. Currently, the Avro structure is derived based on the table structure.
Example of use
CREATE TABLE user_behavior (
user_id BIGINT,
item_id BIGINT,
category_id BIGINT,
behavior STRING,
) WITH (
'connector' = 'kafka',
'topic' = 'user_behavior',
'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost :9092',
'properties.group.id' = 'testGroup',
'format' = 'avro'
Configuration Options
Parameter | Description | Required | Default | Type |
format | The format to use for the declaration. When the Avro format is used, the value of the parameter is avro. | yes | none | String |
avro.codec | Specifies the codec for Avro compression, only applicable when the connector is Filesystem. The parameter values are as follows: snappy (default), null, deflate, bzip2, xz | yes | none | String |
Type Mapping
Flink SQL type | Avro type |
BOOLEAN | boolean |
DECIMAL | fixed (a decimal number with precision) |
TINYINT | int |
SMALLINT | int |
INT | int |
BIGINT | long |
FLOAT | float |
DOUBLE | double |
DATE | int: date |
time | int (the time in milliseconds) |
TIMESTAMP | long (the time in milliseconds) |
ARRAY | array |
MAP (Element must be of type STRING, CHAR or VARCHAR.) | map |
MULTISET (Element must be of type STRING, CHAR or VARCHAR.) | map |
ROW | record |
In addition to the above types, Flink supports reading and writing nullable types. Flink maps nullable types to Avrounion(something, null), where something is an Avro type converted from a Flink type.
For information about Avro types, see Avro specification.
This page is derived from the official Apache Flink® documentation.
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