VPC Setup for Lambda Function
The simplest way to achieve this is to use the AWS Create VPC Wizard:
- Open VPC by either searching for VPC in AWS Search bar on top or click on this link https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/
- Click on Create VPC.
- Select the following:
- Resources to create: VPC and more
- Name tag auto-generation: your VPC name
- IPv4 CIDR block:
- IPv6 CIDR block: No IPv6 CIDR block
- Tenancy: Default
- Number of Availability Zones (AZs): 2
- Number of public subnets: 2
- Number of private subnets: 2
- NAT gateways ($): None
- VPC endpoints: None
- Checked DNS options: Eenable DNS hostnames and DNS resolution
- Click Create VPC.