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Version: 2.13

Installation on OpenShift


Version Compatibility

Please check Kubernetes Compatibility for the minimum required OpenShift version for your version of Ververica Platform.


In order to run Ververica Platform under the restricted Security Context Constraints (SCC), the securityContext.fsGroup entry of the Ververica Platform pod needs to be unset. For this, add the following entry to your values.yaml file to remove the default securityContext.fsGroup entry:

# EmptySecurity Context of Ververica Platform Pod. Comment out when running on Openshift.

We will use helm to template the Kubernetes resources, but depending on your OpenShift setup, we may or may not be able to use helm for the actual installation. Helm 3 is available as a Tech Preview in OpenShift 4.3 but should work on earlier versions as well.

Installation with Helm

If Helm 3 is available for your OpenShift cluster, you can follow the instructions as outlined in Installation using Helm. This guide in the OpenShift docs gives a good, hands-on introduction on how to get started with helm on OpenShift.

Installation with Helm and oc

If a direct installation with helm is not an option, you can first use helm template to generate the correct resource definitions and afterwards apply the generated resource definitions to the cluster:

Step 1: Templating the Resource Definitions

First, you use helm to template the Kubernetes resource definitions based on the provided configuration (values.yaml) and store results in the vvp-resources directory.

helm repo add ververica
helm template vvp ververica/ververica-platform \
--namespace vvp \
--values values-vvp.yaml \
--output-dir vvp-resources
Step 2: Applying Resources to OpenShift Cluster

Afterwards, you use oc apply to create the resources in your OpenShift cluster.

oc apply --recursive --filename vvp-resources