📄️ Create and delete a SQL draft
This document explains how to create and delete a SQL draft in Ververica Cloud.
📄️ Lock/unlock collaborative draft for editing
This feature is designed to enhance multi-tenancy collaboration, specifically tailored for scenarios where multiple users access and modify the same SQL draft simultaneously. Upon a user starting the editing process, the draft is automatically locked to prevent simultaneous conflicting changes. This lock is visible to both the user who initiated the lock and other users who have been invited to collaborate, indicated by a notification in the SQL Editor file list within the console stating "[email] locked at [timestamp]." Should another user wish to edit the draft during this lock period, they will find the content in the editing area unmodifiable with the message “Cannot edit in read-only editor“.
📄️ Debug a SQL draft
This document explains how to enable deployment debugging to simulate deployment running, check outputs, and verify the business logic of SELECT, INSERT and auxiliary statements. This feature improves development efficiency and reduces the risks of poor data quality. This topic describes how to debug a Flink SQL deployment.
📄️ Deploy a SQL draft to production
This document explains how to deploy a SQL draft. The FlinkSQL code of a SQL deployment must be created or updated via deploying corresponding SQL draft.
📄️ View the SQL draft code structure
1. On the Dashboard page, open the console for the workspace you want to manage.