Ververica Platform 2.1.2
Release Date: 2020-09-21
Apache Flink® 1.10.2
Please check the release notes of Flink 1.10.2 for a complete list of fixes and improvements.
In addition to the fixes mentioned above, this release already contains a backport of flink-15467, which is not included in the latest upstream release of Apache Flink®.
For Stream Edition the following Apache Flink Docker images are available. Please check Ververica Platform Docker Images for all available Apache Flink® images and additional tags.
For Spring Edition the following Apache Flink archives are available
Vulnerability Fixes
The following security vulnerabilities have been fixed compared to 1.10.1
CVE-2019-20444, CVE-2019-20445, CVE-2020-10543, CVE-2020-10878, CVE-2020-11612, CVE-2020-12723
Vulnerability Fixes
The following security vulnerability in non-Flink components of Ververica Platform have been fixed compared to 2.1.1
CVE-2009-5155, CVE-2016-3189, CVE-2016-4448, CVE-2016-4658, CVE-2016-5131, CVE-2016-10739, CVE-2017-0663, CVE-2017-2625, CVE-2017-5130, CVE-2017-5969, CVE-2017-6004, CVE-2017-7186, CVE-2017-7244, CVE-2017-7375, CVE-2017-7376, CVE-2017-8872, CVE-2017-9047, CVE-2017-9048, CVE-2017-9049, CVE-2017-9050, CVE-2017-10140, CVE-2017-15412, CVE-2017-16931, CVE-2017-1000376, CVE-2018-5711, CVE-2018-6942, CVE-2018-19591, CVE-2018-20482, CVE-2018-20839, CVE-2018-20843, CVE-2018-1000222, CVE-2018-1000858, CVE-2019-3842, CVE-2019-5018, CVE-2019-5094, CVE-2019-5188, CVE-2019-5827, CVE-2019-6977, CVE-2019-6978, CVE-2019-9169, CVE-2019-9936, CVE-2019-9937, CVE-2019-11038, CVE-2019-11068, CVE-2019-11922, CVE-2019-12418, CVE-2019-12900, CVE-2019-13117, CVE-2019-13118, CVE-2019-14973, CVE-2019-15718, CVE-2019-15903, CVE-2019-17546, CVE-2019-17563, CVE-2019-17594, CVE-2019-17595, CVE-2019-18197, CVE-2019-18224, CVE-2020-1712, CVE-2020-1935, CVE-2020-1938, CVE-2020-1967, CVE-2020-5397, CVE-2020-5398, CVE-2020-5407, CVE-2020-5408, CVE-2020-8022, CVE-2020-9484, CVE-2020-10531, CVE-2020-10543, CVE-2020-10878, CVE-2020-11501, CVE-2020-11996, CVE-2020-12723, CVE-2020-13692, CVE-2020-13777, CVE-2020-13934, CVE-2020-13935
We recommend upgrading via Helm using the following commands:
helm repo add ververica
helm upgrade [RELEASE] ververica/ververica-platform --version 4.1.2 --values custom-values.yaml