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Version: 2.13

Ververica Platform 2.11.0

Release Date: 2023-07-26


Ververica Platform 2.11.0 supports Apache Flink® 1.17 and Apache Flink® 1.16 under SLA. Apache Flink® 1.15 images are no longer provided in this version but are still supported on a best-effort basis.

The Flink SQL Version has been bumped to Apache Flink® 1.17.1


  • Upgraded Spring Boot up to v2.7.14
  • Add kubernetes operator for Flink Jobs Lifecycle Management
  • Extend sql panel consisting of sql-scripts and sql-editor
  • Enable disaster recovery which allows to track last successful checkpoint of jobs in VVP
  • Add deploymentId in deployment details view
  • Add support for Azure SQL authentication
  • Expose deploymentName in the metrics link template and extend metrics link for history jobs
  • Show entrypoint class and mainArgs on the Configuration tab
  • Show entrypoint class, mainArgs, and pod template on the Jobs tab for past jobs
  • Add support for SQL "ADD JAR" statement
  • Implement a mechanism to prune a Deployments job history
  • Allow to configure VVP context path
  • Updated Spring Security to resolve critical vulnerability CVE-2023-34034
  • Updated Jettison to resolve vulnerability CVE-2023-1436
  • Updated Hadoop and Reload4j to resolve vulnerability CVE-2020-7572
  • Updated Jose4j to resolve vulnerability CWE-327
  • Updated H2 to resolve vulnerability CVE-2018-10054
  • Updated Node Semver to resolve vulnerability CVE-2022-25883
  • Updated Openssl to resolve vulnerabilities CVE-2023-1255 and CVE-2023-2650
  • Updated Curl to resolve vulnerabilities CVE-2023-28322, CVE-2023-28321, CVE-2023-28319 and CVE-2023-28320
  • Updated Ncurses to resolve vulnerability CVE-2023-29491
  • Updated Snappy-Java package to resolve vulnerability CVE-2023-34455
  • VVP Kubernetes is marked as deprecated (it won't be available from VVP 2.12) and it is recommended to use Flink Kubernetes. Please check Kubernetes High-Availability Service for more information


We recommend upgrading via Helm using the following commands:

    helm repo add ververica
helm repo update
helm upgrade [RELEASE] ververica/ververica-platform --version 5.7.0 --values custom-values.yaml