đī¸ Create a JAR deployment
Step 1: Upload the JAR package
đī¸ Create a Python deployment
đī¸ Start a deployment
Starting and Resuming Jobs
đī¸ Modify deployment configurations
After a SQL draft or JAR/Python job is deployed, you can still modify the deployment configuration. The deployment configuration contains all the configuration parameters that are used for the job startup. This section describes how to modify deployment configuration.
đī¸ Configure Autopilot and Scheduled tuning
This topic describes how to configure the two tuning modes supported by Ververica Cloud: Autopilot and Scheduled tuning. This topic also describes the precautions that you must take when you configure the tuning mode.
đī¸ Modify deployment default settings
This section explains how to use deployment defaults to develop a job in fully managed Flink, which can make job development more efficient.
đī¸ View deployment details
This section explains how to view the details of a deployment on the Status tab, including the status of the job, the start time of the deployment, and the number of times the deployment is restarted.
đī¸ Cancel / delete deployment
Cancel deployment